I am on holidays next week so there will be
no classes on
Monday public holiday 1st
Tuesday evening 2nd
Wednesday 3rd
Friday 4th
Saturday 5th
Annette will be teaching her Tuesday morning Class 9.30am
I hope you can join her

Set your intentions for the Month with Kama’s next Meditation Workshop on Sunday
October 7th – Mindfulness & Meditation for Stress Relief
Kama’s Monthly Meditation Workshops start this Sunday From  3.00pm – 4.30pm,
Book in now



Mandala Meditation Workshop with Rachel Grant
Sunday t
he 28th of October
Book in now



6 Week Beginners Course
Starting Monday 22nd October 7.30 – 8.30pm
Book in



Chakra Workshop with Annette Shelley
on the 17th of November
looking for expressions of interest by email – keenonyoga1@gmail.com
details will be up on the website soon

Reminder: Annette’s classes will be cancelled 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th October

We look forward to sharing yoga with you soon