Purchase a membership below to get unlimited access to Keen On Yoga premium content.
To start your membership:
All three Membership Levels below gives you access to all premium Keen On Yoga video content for the indicated set period. Payments are made via your Paypal account or your Credit Card via paypal. After payment is made you will receive an email that contains a “special” link to complete the registration.
To renew an existing membership:
Step 1 - login using existing membership user name and password here:
Member Login
Step 2- Choose any membership level to renew here:
Renew Membership
==> Please Choose a Membership Level below <==
1 Month Membership - AUD $20.00
6 Month Membership - AUD $108.00 ($12 Savings)
12 Month Membership - AUD $200.00 ($40 Savings)