Hi Yogis
The second workshop is on this Sunday!
So why not treat yourself to some timeout and learn something new.
Relax, stretch and open your body and mind. 

Yoga Foundation Workshop
Back to Basics 2

Open to all – from beginners to experienced
this workshop will delve deeper into understanding yoga.
The workshops are designed to stand alone,
so don’t worry if you missed the first one

DATE:   6th of August – Back to Basics 2
TIME:   9.00am to 11.30am
413 Mount Barker Road Bridgewater
COST:  $45  for individual workshops
Book and Pay

Whether you are curious to know what yoga is about or are a regular student,
in these workshops you will explore the foundations of yoga from breath to core

Back to Basics 2 – 6th August

You will learn:
*Spinal health and care
*Anatomy and functions of the spine
*How your core works
*Core strengthening
*Back strengthening
*What are the chakras

*a daily yoga routine worksheet that you can easily follow at home.
knowledge and understanding of movement and your body, to take beyond your mat and into your everyday life
Full Workshop Details

see you on the mat