Thursday Morning Dynamic Class Starting Tomorrow
7am – 8am
COVID-19 restrictions update
Many of you have been asking ‘when do we go back to normal classes?’
At this stage it looks as though restrictions will be lifted Friday the 5th of June for indoor fitness with spacing of one person every 4 square metres.
This means face to face classes will be able to run with a maximum of 6-8 people.
I will get out the measuring tape to work out exact number for the next newsletter and before opening classes.
It will also mean that booking in through the timetable is essential
I will be mixing it up with some face to face and some online classes, the 9.30am classes will be first to open.
The new Timetable will be finalised in the next few weeks.
Zoom Made Simpler
As I have become more familiar with Zoom, I have made a few adjustments on the options to make connecting easier
follow the 2 steps on website timetable page
STEP 1 – book and pay on the timetable calendar
STEP 2 – has a list of classes with zoom link attached – simply select your Class Link to start the live stream – Zoom in, 5-10mins before the class starts
Zoom Meeting ID: 194 737 838
Call me if you need help – 0412 091 365
Please try my personal collection of music
Text me and I will send you the link to it on Spotify
More selections to come
Class Payment Options
1. Pay $10 each time as you book in. ‘Book and Pay’
2. Buy a 10 class pass for $100 – Click here
Then book in without paying each time.
3. While all previous passes are on hold, if you do wish to use it, then call me and we can sort it out.
Looking forward to seeing you all, in person, again.
Love and light
Stay safe and healthy