As we are becoming more aware of coronavirus cases in Australia and concerned about the possible spread of it in our community, I want to share with you the measures we are taking in minimising risk at our little studio.

  • Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces 
  • Cleaning of mats after use (which we already do) with eucalyptus and tea tree spray
  • Option to clean any of the equipment before you use it with the spray
  • Plenty of hand wash in the bathroom and paper towels

So what about class sizes? some classes can get quite busy. I have a class limit of 14 but some days it is exceeded. To avoid this

  • booking in online each week – we have had a very relaxed system, including text and drop ins, with the currant situation I am asking everyone to use the online booking system and if you have any trouble please give me a call.
  • maximum size is now 10

As students you can help

  • Use your own mat and equipment if you can
  • Stay home if your sick
  • Remember the coughing and sneezing etiquette
  • Be kind and understanding to yourself and those around you (even when you can’t get what you want from the supermarket)
  • Keep up your practice – yoga calms the nervous system which supports and creates a strong immune system
  • use the online booking system

Remember you mental wellbeing is important so try to steer clear of sensationalist media.
Most importantly, remember to breathe through it all.

Keen on Yoga – Nurture and Restore Thursday 
more information coming soon

Easter and School Holiday Closures
We will be closed from – Good Friday the 10th of March, returning Saturday the 18th of April.